Embedded Tag Thing and Tag Managing Thing Updates

Both Embedded Tag Thing and Tag Managing Thing have had little updates.

Embedded Tag Thing is now less retarded – it shouldn’t be adding empty tags any more; and if you delete a tag from underneath it, it will display the tag as plain text instead of being broken. Sorry it took so long for me to upload it. Oops.

Tag Managing Thing now has a little button that will remove all of the terms from the current taxonomy which aren’t in use. This is handy if you’ve had Embedded Tag Thing issues.

Plz Sned Exprt: iPod Touch + sqlite + WordPress = not quite

I have an ipod touch.

And I jailbroke it. (Worked like it says on the box, incidentally)

And I have Apache + PHP working.

And I have WordPress 2.2.2 for Sqllite on it.

But alas, writes to the database aren’t happening.

(I installed it on a Real Computer and put the .db file it created on to my iPod; and WordPress is able to read data from it A-OK. It just isn’t writing to it. The permissions on the .db file are 777; same for the folder its in. I’ve also tried renaming it to .sqlitedb which matches some of the other sqlite databases that the iPod uses, but that made no difference either.)


UTW in Themes + WordPress 2.3 A Go-Go.

Exciting news, boys and girls. The paint, she is drying on my latest Thing.

UTW Theme Compatibility Thing is now available for the ol’ download. If you have a wordpress theme which has UTW_ShowSomething function calls in it, this is a great plugin for you.

If you’re showing icons anywhere, there’s a little extra step you’ll need to do so that the icon URLs go to the right place; but otherwise, just disable UTW, import your tags into wordpress (if you haven’t already), then enable the compatibility plugin.

Oh, and if you miss the admin functions of UTW, I have a fabulous plugin, Tag Managing Thing which does much of the same.

WordCamp Melbourne. Yay!

So yes. I am going to WordCamp Melbourne, which is happening on November 17th. There’s an Upcoming page for it. And, uh. Yeah. That’s about it, really (:

If there is anything that you’d like me to waffle about, or otherwise form a presentation on; you should let me know. I know I know all sorts of things, but I don’t know what I know (:

Ultimate Tag Warrior: Please Read!

Ultimate Tag Warrior is unsupported with WordPress 2.3. WordPress 2.3 does, however, have a thingy for importing UTW tags into WordPress.

You should do that (:

Then, you should have a look at WordPress Things. Some of them cover UTW functionality. There will be a plugin for the UTW template tags.. soon.. which should allow theme stuff to keep on working; but alas, there are still many kinks to iron out. Check back in a week for that one (:

Tag Managing Thing

There’s another Thing for wordpress!

Tag Managing Thing! [Tag Managing Thing Download]

Tag Managing Thing is pretty sweet. It adds a new window to the WordPress admin system which allows you to modify tags (and categories! (and things in any other post-based taxonomies you acquire through other plugins… Oooh! Exciting)).

Tags Terms can have their name and slug changed; and can be deleted. Two pedestrian, but none the less useful bits of functionality.

It’s also possible to split an existing term into a number of new terms; and you can merge existing terms into a single term. Two much more interesting things to be able to do.

Ooh, and this is my favourite. You can change the taxonomy that a term belongs to. Which is to say, you can turn a tag into a category or a category into a tag. (And if you have additional taxonomies for post objects, you can also move terms into and out of those taxonomies as well.)

I think it’s pretty neat.