In which I go Internet-Amelie-ish-But-With-Lazyweb

So, uh, I smiled in passing at someone with a bicycle at the bottom of Anvil house yesterday at hmmmm-about quarter to one, who smiled back (: He’s neither particularly short, nor tall; and, hmm.. blue eyes with glasses, maybe, but I could be wrong about either.

Magical interwebs! Find him for me!


Pumpkin Soup


It’s cold! And I don’t like it.

I made soup, yesterday! It’s marvellous. Tonight, I had it was bacon instead of toast (and added a splash of cream). I highly recommend it. Anywho, a recipe!

I did a pile of chopping, then a pile of cooking. I’m pretty sure the two can overlap; but not entirely.

I had 1 leek, 1 bulb of fennel, and three red onions chopped into slices; 1 red capsicum diced relatively finely; half of a pumpkin chopped into 1-2″ chunks*; about 8 medium-small potatoes, quartered and a half dozen slices of bacon roughly chopped up.

Bacon goes into a pot first, and is cooked until browned; then the capsicum is added and cooked until it softens up; then the leek/fennel/red onions join in. Once those have cooked down (uh, they 2/3 filled the pot when I added them, and when they were down to about 1/3 I continued onwards..); add the pumpkin and potatoes, and add enough water to just cover the potatoes/pumpkin.

Cook it until the potatoes and pumpkin are cooked; then point a stick blender at it until it’s smoooothish.


*I peeled the first half of the pumpkin with much suffering; and cut the other half into chunks and roasted it in a 200°C oven until the pumpkin was just starting to soften up. It made the skin vastly easier to get off; and probably helped make the soup tastier. Next time, I’d roast all of the pumpkin to avoid the pumpkin peeling.