Ultimate Tag Warrior 3.1

Download Ultimate Tag Warrior 3.1

There’s a new version! I’ve made some changes to tag suggestions – tagyu suggestions work again, for reals; and I’ve gone backwards, and yet forwards, so you can now choose whether you want suggestions from tagyu, or the yahoo! term extraction API.

If you have been using simple tags, you can now do a mass import of your tags, from the Manage > Tags page. (I have a feeling that if you tinker with the start and end delimiters, you could probably get it to do an import of generic tags…but I haven’t done it myself (: )

So yeah (: Download here, Support forum here; let me know if you need a WordPress 1.5 version! (I’ve had mostly WordPress 2.0 downloads, so I’m inclined to wait for a request for a 1.5 version)

Aerials Class

I survived the second aerials class!

I’m not as sore as I was last time, which is a definite bonus (:

This time, we did foot locks on the tissu (You end up with one foot bound up; which allows you to use your arms and the other leg to do things).

Once we had the foot lock under control; we did a balancing thing with it. The tissu is made up of two bits of cloth. We did a foot knot with our right foot with both pieces. Next, we split the two apart, and twisted around so that our back was leaning on one piece, and we were facing the other. The piece we were facing, we spread out into a sheet. Our left foot went in the middle of it, as high up as we could manage. Next, the other piece of tissu (still bunched up, being leaned on) went over our right shoulder; and then we leaned back, aspiring for a straight line down our left leg and continuing down our torso. Next, we abandoned all reason, and stretched our arms outwards to the side. And that was the balancing thing we did. (This is Katherine doing one a while back… I guess it’s easier to look at a picture than it is to visualise from the description (: )

On the trapeeze, the new thing we did today was wrapping our calves around the ropes of the trapeeze, putting our feet on the bar, and hanging upside-down


We had great delivery food for dinner! It does produce a lot of garbage, though.

We ordered in pizza and tiramisu (for me, at least) from Pizza Pomordoro. Last time, we ordered a Carne off the menu; this time, we opted for what was effectively a Pollo without avocado but with pepperoni.

Pizza was delicious – they are cooked in a manuka-fueled wood oven; and the tiramisu was also gorgeous.


My First Acrobatics Lesson

I had my first acrobatics lesson this evening!

It was much more frustrating than the first aerials class. (How did I get to be 26 without knowing how to do a handstand?)

Tonight, we did pretty much all adagio work…

…Imagine, if you will, someone lying on their back. Their arms straight up in the air, and their knees bent at close to right angles. Then, imagine another person, the person you are imagining is me. My hands are on the other persons’ knees, my shoulders are in their hands, and the rest of me is doing a handstand (with ample spotters ready to catch me (: ). Moh. Unpossible!

…Consider the possibility, of being balanced at the waist, arms outstretched (although I was kinda wobbly). Unpossible!

…And this other balancing thing, where one person bends at the knees, the other person stands on their thighs, and they both lean back and no-one falls over (much) (I didn’t!).

…And a thing where you link one arm with a person, roll across their back, and then catch their other arm on the other side (Not as unpossible as the first two (: )

And that was my first acrobatics lesson!

I’m entering a world of pain..

I started an aerials course yesterday (six weeks/1.5 hour sessions – it’s spread out).

It’s pretty fun stuff (: We do a combination of trapeze stuff and tissu stuff. Tissu is neat – it involves climbing up long sheets of fabric, and having the fabric hold you in place (Yesterday, we learnt how to climb up and get back down again; and we all suspended ourselves with fabric looped around our hips). Trapeze is the kind of thing you’d expect…except wobblier!

I can..uh..really feel my arm muscles growing..really fast..and may have spent most of yesterday afternoon asleep or in a nice hot bath (;

Classes are run by the Wellington Circus Trust, in any case (: