Ultimate Tag Warrior 3.1415926

This is a release with mainly little bug fixes and tweaks. Oh! And if you do a search, posts with tags that are like your search term will be included. This is probably the neatest addition (:

  • The bug in wordpress 2.1 which caused tags to vanish when a comment was made has been fixed Turns out that if you add a comment, it’s fine; but if you approve one, the tags will still vanish. Hrmpf.
  • I’m pretty sure you won’t end up with double-tags in feeds, any more
  • I’ve rejigged the way tags are added to feeds
  • Tag intersections should be working properly again
  • Tags can be added to pages (and will be included in tag cloud counts… displaying on tag pages, though…)
  • No more XSS vulnerability with the ajax URL parameter
  • There’s an invisible technorati tags format, now! (Handy for using with the automagically include tags on the Options > Tags page)
  • Search includes tags [I worry about this bit! let me know if you see anything weird]

I’ve tried it using wordpress versions 2.0.4, 2.0.7 and a 2.1 beta; and it seems to work in all three (:

Attention WordPress 2.1 beta users!

http://082net.com/ says:

Here’s a temporary patch for resetting tags.
Modify ‘ultimate_save_tags()’ function on ‘ultimate-tag-warrior-actions.php’ about line 502:
if (isset($_POST['comment_post_ID'])) return $postID;
if (isset($_POST['not_spam'])) return $postID; // akismet fix
if (isset($_POST["comment"])) return $postID; // moderation.php fix

This seems to work.

[Download here | Forums here]


The weather is being very unseasonal at the moment;  therefore:  soup for dinner.  Made from summer vegetables.

In the beginning,  take two capsicums, peeled and finely diced and saute with about a half dozen crushed garlic cloves over a medium-low element.  Once it smells like it’s “getting there”,  get three spring onions, slice, and add to the pot.

Next, take five tomatoes, and chop coarsely.  Once you’ve finished chopping, add those to the pot, too.   Lower the temperature just a little.
Next-next, take a head of broccoli,  and chop it so there are teeny little florets.  Big florets are no good in unpureed soup.  Trust me.

Almost finally, add a can of cannellini beans which have been strained.  Continue heating until the beans have been warmed through.

Finally, assault the soup with salt and pepper until it is just so;  then serve with grated parmesan on top (You can grate the parmesan while waiting for the beans to warm through.  Efficiency at its finest).  I made a line of parmesan across the middle of bowls.  It looked extra-swank.  However, my dig’ camera is missing at this time.  So you will just have to imagine it.