Ultimate Tag Warrior 3


Apparently, I haven’t done a release of my plugin for a while. I just had a look at a diff between the new version, and the old version, and it’s terrifying trying to figure out what has changed (:

At the moment, I’ve only made a WordPress 2 version. If you need a WordPress 1.5 version, let me know and I’ll make the little changes that it needs.

Moh! The first bug has been found! If you’re installing for the first time, in ultimate-tag-warrior-core.php, find PRIMARY KEY (ID)and replace it with PRIMARY KEY (tag_ID)

– You can specify the text to display when there are no tags through the Options > Tags page
– The plugin isn’t requesting option values anywhere near as often (although this is less problematic in WordPress 2.0.1 than it was in WordPress 2.0)
– The plugin does a bunch o’ internal caching which has knocked the number of database queries way down
– I’ve made a couple of changes to streamline new installs (People hosted by Yahoo! had a database permission issue which prevented the automagic updating taking place; along with a couple of other stray issues that people used to ask about (: )
– There’s a lot more type checking/character stripping of user data (side effect of this, is that you can’t have apostrophes or quotes in your tags any more)
– I’ve included some examples for theme-type stuff you might want to do – adding the tags to the title in the header, creating a tag cloud page, a tag archive page (the one that lists the posts for a tag), and an interactive search page (it requires UTW 3. If you don’t have wordpress installed in the root folder, you’ll need to adjust the path to the ajax receiving page.. it’s near the top. You’ll see it)
– You can have embedded tags – if you are using Flock, Ecto, or any other not-wordpress way of adding posts, you can use [tags]comma, list of, tags[/tags] syntax to add tags to a post. [tag]single tag[/tag] can be used within your posts, and will magically turn into tag links when the post is displayed. (You can do this using the wordpress post adding screen too (: ) You do need to enable this on the Options > Tags page.
– There are all sorts of little stray bug fixes here, there and everywhere – Tidy tags works again; ampersands are no longer a problem in feeds; the tag box doesn’t have extra close div tags; and this plugin should no longer conflict with the Static Front Page plugin.

Download here | Support forum here

27 thoughts on “Ultimate Tag Warrior 3

  1. When I uploaded the files, the plugin page in admin is still saying All the new files are in he folder, just not sure if it’s simply the plugin header that’s off, or some files didn’t change.

  2. Hmm well this is great news that theres a new version with some really cool new features! Bravo.

    But um.. what happened to the docs on this site? The old link is a 404 now.

  3. My bad. I just installed UTW3 and see theres a new link for local help next to author help. Ignore my previous 🙂

  4. Hey!

    Thanks for that nice plugin. But i need the Version for WordPress 1.5. Where did i find the plugin version for wordpress 1.5.

    thanks Matthias

  5. Thank you for a great plugin. I am having a little bit of trouble with a new install of the plugin on my WordPress 2.0 site running the latest UTW version. No matter what tags I type in for a post, they don’t save. For example, I’ll write a post with a few tags and hit “save and continue.” When the page refreshes, the tags box is empty. If I just hit “save” or “publish” the same behavior is repeated.

    Some other info that may help: the database was from WP 1.5.x and successfully upgraded to WP 2.0. When I hit “Force Reinstall” from Options > Tags, a page pops up saying “An invalid tag ID was passed in.”

    Any help from you in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  6. If you look in your database, are the tags being saved there? It could just be a display issue (which at least narrows down where I have to looks to fix it)

    As for the invalid tag id… that’s me being over-cautious d: …I’ll fix that up.

  7. Thank you for getting back to me.

    I went through a database dump and the tags are not even making into the database. Yes, the database has the two tables the plugin creates. However, to test this I made up some non-sense words to make searching for them easier and they are no where to be found. Where should I go from here?

  8. Hrm.. There ought to be three tables (wp_tag, wp_post2tag and wp_tag_synonyms wp_ may differ depending on your table prefix.)

    Wait a sec… do you have a new install? (because there is a bug! The fix for it is mentioned in about the third paragraph of this post… Try making that change, do a force reinstall, and let me know if that sorts it out.)

  9. The installer doesn’t appear to be running on a fresh WP 2.0 install – I get

    WordPress database error: [Table ‘meaningless_wp.wp_tags’ doesn’t exist]
    select tag, t.tag_id, count(p2t.post_id) as count from wp_tags t inner join wp_post2tag p2t on t.tag_id = p2t.tag_id inner join wp_posts p on p2t.post_id = p.ID WHERE post_date_gmt 0 order by tag asc

    on the Post screen and similar errors elsewhere.

  10. Christine, thank you again. Yes it is a new install. I made the change to the file and attempted to force a reinstall but it gave me the same error regarding the invalid tag id. Then I read through the core in u-t-w-core.php and created the missing wp_tags table by hand in phpmyadmin (thank you cut & paste). It works perfectly now. Why is didn’t create wp_tags in the first place is up for debate.

    Thank you!

  11. The terrifying thing is that I’ve still got a list of things I’d like to implement that’s long enough to get to a version four release (;

    (Who knew there were so many things that could be done with tags…)

  12. Christine,

    I’m getting a similar error as Thomas in that I get: “An invalid tag ID was passed in” when I try to “Convert Categories to Tags.” It looks like Thomas found a solution to this error, but it is unclear to me what he did, and whether it applies to my situation.

    Any advice? Best!

  13. Hi Christine,

    I have read up on SEO and some sites recommend that you dont use underscores to seperate words as some search engines may see this as a one word and may cut off the word length at some point. If this is true, then it would screw up tags that have a long name. These sites recommend the use of a dash between names and will allow upto 64 characters.

    To address this issue for existing tags, can I simply go into the database and change the names of the tags?

    For a future release, maybe you can give the option to the user to use underscores or dashes.

    I have noticed that if you create a new tag with two words, then it defaults to using dashes, but some people may use underscores when manually adding tags. I have also noticed that when you use Yahoo recommendations, that it uses underscores.

  14. I’m having odd problems with the formatting of UTW 3.14159… When I click on a local tag to see the page listing posts with that tag, the posts don’t stay in the areas for the theme, and push the sidebar all the way down the page. I can’t, for the life of me figure out why this started happening, though I didn’t notice before my upgrade to WP 2.0.5. Any ideas as to what might be messing it up? You can see an example by going to http://blog.theburrowfamily.net/tag/books

  15. I found the problem. In tag.php, right before the loop starts, there’s a:
    <div id=”center”>

    Changing that to

    <div id=”content” class=”narrowcolumn”>

    As it is in the default theme brings back the correct display of things.

    It looks like it was just a css issue with the default theme.

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