Inline Tag Thing

Inline Tag Thing allows you to add and remove tags on posts, inline, using magical AJAX powers.

To Download has the latest version.

To Install
Drop the plugin file into your wordpress plugins folder. The plugin expects to be installed in /wp-content/plugins/InlineTagThing/
Enable the plugin.

To Use

Inline Tag Thing Screenshot

When you view a post that you are able to edit, a tag edit box will display. Entering a comma separated list of tags in the text box, then clicking the “+” button will add those tags to the post. Clicking the “-” link beside a tag will remove it. The list of Currently Assigned tags list reflects the tags which are assigned to the current post. When tags are added or deleted, this list will update to reflect that change. Tags which are displayed elsewhere for the post will not reflect the changes until you reload the page.

52 thoughts on “Inline Tag Thing

  1. It’s even strongger than the UTW! I mean, there is a “-” that can easily remove tags.
    So… Will this feature be able in the UTW version ?
    I have a 2.3 Blog that can use inline-tag-thing.
    But I have another 2.2 blog (with a high load, that I cannot update soon) with UTW.

  2. Neato!

    I can’t wait to see the next thing.

    Just a suggestion, list the tags, and allow editing like Flickr does with the description field after you click. Or hide the excess cruft which you don’t need to see for each post until you edit it.

  3. rob,

    It’s hard to balance, uh, cruft (: with availability – as it is, you can go rampaging without an intermediate step. Mmm. Rampage.

    I half expect that this is the kind of plugin that you’d enable while doing chunks of maintenance rather than one you’d have on all the time.


  4. There is a small point should better be declared:
    You must unpackage the plugin to a directory in the plugin-dir
    For instance:
    /wp-content/plugins/InlineTagThing/InlineTagThing.php should work, but
    /wp-content/plugins/InlineTagThing.php should work, but should get an error 🙂

  5. If I logout of my admin account, the blog pages couldnot show the content of my entries. but if i login, it shows correct. does anyone meet the same problem? WordPress Version 2.3
    Now I have to deactive Inline Tag Thing 😦
    Is it caused by the theme I am using?

  6. Andy,


    Uh, soon.

    (Writing a thing for deriving related tags is making me feel sad. A whooole bunch of stuff will appear once I find a nice way of finding the related tags. But for now.. it’s a soon thing.)

    The lovely and charming Food Dude has kinda ended up sponsoring its development, so it will show up at some point. For. Reals.

  7. I activated the plugin, but for some reason after I add comma separated tags, hitting “return” on the keyboard or “+” with the mouse does nothing. Additionally, clicking the “-” does not remove a tag either. I guess there’s some javascript problem. Has anyone else mentioned this?

  8. I had to hack mine a teeny bit so the text in the box would be visible. My default text color was almost the same as the background. You might consider giving us the option of styling the box via a CSS stylesheet.

  9. Hello Christine,

    thank you for keeping the easy tag goodness in flavor!
    love love love these neat things =]

    I am here to thank you and give a possible bug report.. when I edit a post and return to it a new extra comma is added to the tag list. Every edit adds a new “,” .. comma

    thanks again !

  10. Oh wow, thank you for this plugin, thank you! I have been dreaming about a plugin like this for a while.

    I installed it and it works like a charm, uhm… for the past 5 minutes so hopefully it will keep on functioning like this.

    This will be a good motivator to step through my past 7800 postings and tag them one by one.

    Thank you!!!

  11. hey!
    great job! great things!
    is it imaginable that the brilliant inline thing would be able to help suggest the words too!???

  12. I have installed the plugin on a fresh upgrade to WP 2.3.1 and I can’t seem to see this plugin in action. I have installed it both in “InlineTaGThing” folder and also in the root /plugins/ dir. Also have tried my admin and a poster account as well as FF and IE and still nothing but the std WP tags window. Thoughts?

  13. Pingback: power source*
  14. I’ve tracked down my problem with this just not working (see 14, 15 above) to a problem with my theme. The error message is “Things_AddTagToPost is not defined” (and, sure enough, the Javascript definitions of the tag functions just aren’t there in the HEAD section of the page). Version 1 of the plugin, version 2.3.1 WP. The theme, TBS-Blue, doesn’t seem to be available for download any more. No other plugins are activated.

    If you can tell me where to start debugging this, I’d be very grateful. [Otherwise, maybe it’s just time for a change of theme…]

    Thanks for the great work!

  15. Nevermind. Asking the question made me look in the right place for the answer. The theme was from WP 2.0.x. I compared the header.php to one in a theme that was working. Adding the line wp_head() seems to have done the trick. Don’t know when that might have been deleted or if it was ever there…

  16. Christine, hi,

    I just upgraded to WP 2.3.1 and installed inline-tag-thing but I have the same problem as Richie above:

    I can add tags and they display on the in line bar and also when I view the post in the edit screen, but if I log out and view my blog as an outsider no tags are displayed.

    You said above that you’d fixed the issue in the latest version but that post was dated October 14 and I downloaded it today (30 Dec) but still seem to have the problem.



  17. Christine, hi,

    I got your email reply to my question above – thanks! I replied with a clarification question but my email bounced – hence this post!

    My clarification question: If I understand correctly, tags will no longer be displayed to readers when my posts are read – is that correct? The posts display perfectly – just no tags.

    I don’t mind if tags are not displayed to readers, as long as they do their stuff for the search engines!



  18. Ooh. On the email bouncing front, that’s a little odd. Humph. Although I did change some DNS stuff earlier; so you may have caught me in the transition..

    Inline tag thing doesn’t control anything as far as showing tags to general users goes. You’ll need to poke at your theme to do that (or possibly see what plugins are about for automatically including them with posts. “Soon” I should have one, but not so much at the moment)

  19. I ahve issue… WP 2.3 😦

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: wp_get_object_terms() in /home/thelawof/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/InlineTagThing.php on line 81

  20. everything works after installation except when you pus tag insertion buttun we still waiting but nothing is added

  21. Hi, Christine!

    I installed the ITT + TMT on WordPress 2.3
    It’s working fine. Thanks!

    What I found out is, that ITT can’t handle Tags with german umlauts. For example the word:
    Bürgermeister with an “ü” inside. Also, with TMT I didn’t found a way to fix my problem.

    Is there any solution to let words with special characters change into valid tags?

    Characters like:

    ü change to ue
    ö change to oe
    ä change to ae
    ß change to ss

    If it’s possible the tag for Bürgermeister must be url/tags/buergermeister/

    I hope to hear from you.

  22. addition:

    By using url/tag/buegermeister the correct article has been found.
    Only, the word “Bürgermeister” inside the article isn’t marked as a Link.

    In TMT under Edit Tag I have…

    Name: Bürgermeister
    slug: buergermeister

    So, a good tag is available and it’s working.

    The question is what can I do that “Bürgermeister” will be linked inside the article?

  23. I’m updating a blog to WordPress 2.5.1. The Download link on WordPress plugins still points to version 1 of the plugin, so doing the upgrade “by hand” doesn’t still gets the old files. Doing the automatic upgrade does seem to work.

    I’m not yet at the point where I can figure out if the plugin works with 2.5.1 and my data, but you might want to check the way it’s been registered with

    Thanks much for the plugin! It’s really helped me with the tags on that blog.

  24. Hi Christine. It’s working well but I’m just curious why after me logging out, then visit my page as a normal visitor, there is still outputting the unnecessary javascirpt codes?

    That :
    1) Require some unnecessary server resources
    2) Makes the page validated failed at

    I am from non-English speaking country Hope u can understand me

  25. Great plugin! This is what I’ve been searching for to be able to tag my 6yr old blog 🙂

    One problem though.

    I run several blogs on my server, so i keep my plugins in a common directory for all blogs and use symlinks in the “normal” plugin directory pointing to my common directory. Allother plugins work great but not this one 😦 I get the AJAX error telling me it couldn’t write the tags.

    Any idea on why? Could you please update the code?


  26. Hello,

    ıs this plugin compatible with 2.7? I couldn’t get it work.

    Do we need to do some changes in the codes?

  27. I have the same problem as Nancy. i.e. no scipts seem to be getting run. I can’t understand her solution though:

    “I compared the header.php to one in a theme that was working. Adding the line wp_head() seems to have done the trick. Don’t know when that might have been deleted or if it was ever there… ”

    Where in header.php do I put the line “wp_head()”, and is that all I put?

    The theme I’m using is Atahualpa.


  28. I’m using WordPress 2.8.4 nad the grungezine theme. I’ve installed and activated the plugin. The control bar appears at the bottom of each post, but it does nothing — it can’t add or remove any tags. Any ideas on a fix?

    a fellow kiwi

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